- He behaves badly in school. 他在学校表现不好。
- he behaved badly in school; he mischievously looked for a chance to embarrass his sister; behaved naughtily when they had guests and was sent to his room. 他在学校里很淘气;他淘气地寻找机会让他的姐姐难堪;他在来客人时表现得很顽皮,所以被送进了自己的房间里。
- Maybe the callan should not be so worried,but will have more wrangle with parents and behave badly in school. 而青少年也许没那么担心,但却会更多地与家长发生口角或在学校里表现不好。
- While juveniles may not of such worries, but more often they'll argue with parents or behaving badly in school. 而青少年也许没那么担心,但却会更多地与家长发生口角或在学校里表现不好。
- While the teenager may be not so worried, but they would quarrel with their parents or behaved badly in school more than before. 而青少年也许没那么担心,但却会更多地与家长发生口角或在学校里表现不好。
- I know he behaves badly---it all has to do with the bad company he keeps. 我知道他的行为不端——这一切都与他所交的坏友有关。
- He disliked it when she behaved badly in front of his mother. 他讨厌她在他母亲面前举止失当。
- They tend to do badly in school. 他们通常在学校表现不好。
- The boy behaved badly in the restaurant. 那男孩在餐厅里行为恶劣。
- He behaved badly with impunity since he knew the teacher was weak. 他行为不检但不受惩罚,因为他知道老师很软弱。
- He behaved badly with impunity as he knew the teacher was weak. 他表现不好,却没有受到惩罚,因为他知道老师软弱可欺。
- Tom was told that if he behaved badly he should go to bed without any supper. 汤姆受到了警告,如果他行为粗野,他就得空着肚子去睡觉。
- He behaved so badly in college that he was sent down and never got hisdegree. 他在大学里行为极为恶劣,以致被开除了,从未拿到学位。
- He behaves in a most uncouth way. 他的举止真是笨拙。
- He did very badly in school. 他在校表现很差。
- Children who do badly in school tests often perceive themselves to be failures. 在学校考试成绩不好的孩子常常将自己视为失败者。
- He always comes off badly in fights. 他在拳击比赛中总是很糟糕。
- He behaves as if he had no common sense. 他的言行就好像没有常识似的。
- He behaves in a very strange fashion. 他的举止很奇怪。
- In school, he was one of the achievers. 他在校时是学业很好的一个学生。